Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Success.... a hummingbird

Well, this picture may never win any prizes, but I'm a happy camper! My first successful shot of a humming bird that's fairly clear. The only other shot I even came close to getting was really, really blurry! Okay, there are a lot of large bees also buzzing aroung the flowers and while I respect them they don't really scare me. However, shortly after I took this shot and she had taken off to parts unknown, or so I thought, I was trying to get a shot of one of the blooms. I was focused on the flower when all of a sudden there is this loud, and I do mean loud, buzzing near my ear. I had visions of this huge, really huge, bee right by my ear! Scared the living daylights out of me ... until I realised what I was hearing was the humming bird getting up close and personal for a few minuets! I never did see her ... but I bet if I had turned my head instead of ducking down we would have been eye to eye!
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